SELEN II air handling unit with recuperation

Selen II is an air handling unit which is used to create a microclimate. All the standard elements of the air handling unit are dedicated to supply users with the best air possible.

The strong points of SELEN II air handling unit

SELEN II is an air handling unit with recuperation which guarantees a ventilation comfort and clean air. All the serial elements supplied with the air handling unit are designed to guarantee as high comfort as possible and clean air.

Two efficient heat exchangers

Selen II is the air handling unit with recuperation which has two hybrid heat exchangers with high efficiency, the total area of the heat exchanger plates covers more than 50 m2. It ensures excellent efficiency and high heat recovery; therefore, we save energy.

Air quality

Selen II air handling unit is equipped with high class efficiency air filters which guarantee clean and healthy air supplied to your home.


The fully automatic control of even peripheral appliances, such as: water, electric and GWC heaters. The air handling unit is equipped with a modern control touch panel with the possible programming of the air handling unit efficiency in the weekly mode.


BY-PASS is used in the summer season when heat recovery is not required. It consists in removing the heat exchanger and mounting a by-pass in its place. It enables increasing the airflow, what results in a cooling effect on hot days.

Selen II is available in a version with Wi-Fi module. The user is informed on the required replacement of a filter by means of a message displayed on the controller panel. An unquestionable asset of Selen 500 and Selen 800 is their shape. Height below 40 cm allows to build-up the air handling unit in the suspended ceiling.

The strong points of SELEN II air handling unit


Niepodważalną zaletą Selen 500 i 800 jest ich kształt. Wysokość poniżej 40 cm pozwala bez trudu zabudować centralę w suficie podwieszanym.


Centrala wentylacyjna Selen II  zapewnia wydajność przeznaczoną do wentylacji posiadłości o powierzchni od około 350 do nawet 500 m2


Centrala wentylacyjna Selen II występuje
w dwóch wariantach, jako centrala leżąca  lub podwieszana. Dzięki temu każdy może wybrać, który wariant bardziej odpowiada jego potrzebą.

Do you know that…

All BERLÜF appliances have silver nanoparticles on filters in a standard version. The better the filter is, the fewer problems we will have in the future. We care a lot about your life comfort (less dirt inside the air handling unit, less dirt on the whole installation, clean air in the room). Filters used by BERLÜF, coated with nanoparticles, intercept all the biological origin impurities which are a common source of allergies. These elements require periodical technical inspections (replacement) in order to guarantee their reliable operation with the highest ventilation comfort.

Technologies in BERLÜF air handling units

Fan motors are commuted electronically; therefore, a high level of rotational speed stabilisation is obtained. Sensors operated based on the Hall phenomenon monitor the operation of the fan. Their feedback is directed to the processor where it is compared with the set value. If there is any difference between the feedback signal and the set signal, power supply correction is made, and this value is also interpreted by the processor. In the event of a sudden increase in the airflow resistance in the installation, the ongoing corrections of voltage and current values are carried out which result in the more stable and fan operation conditions, and they stabilise the airflow.

Two types of SELEN II air handling unit



Technical data

The nominal dimensions of SELEN II air handling unit

Flow specification



Price List
